Track US Shipments
Use our package tracker to track shipments made from the USA. You can track the main parcel companies such as FedEx, DHL, UPS, Estadeta and many more. Locate where the documents sent from the United States to the rest of the countries in Latin America and the rest of the world are located.
How to use the Shipping Tracker?
The Guíapaquetería shipment tracker is very easy to use. It consists of a text box where you must enter the guide number or tracking number provided to you by the shipping company.
How can I track my package? Step by Step
To track your package in Guía Parcel follow these steps:
- Select the company with which you have made your shipment.
- Enter the tracking number in the space provided.
- Click track
Below you will see the details of your shipment and you will know if it is still in transit or if it has already arrived at its destination.
Frequent questions
How to track a package?
To track a package or parcel it is necessary to have the tracking number to enter it into the shipping tracker. Then you must select the company to track the order and click on “track shipment”.
How to track a package with my name?
It is not possible to track a shipment by name alone. It is necessary to know the tracking number and the company with which the shipment was made.
How do I know where my package is going?
To know where an parcel is located, it is necessary to have the tracking number and follow these steps:
- Enter the tracking number in the preferred tracker.
- View the current status, usually you will be able to see the city or shipping center you are in.
- Some companies have email or cell phone updates for easy tracking
How to track package in real time?
Larger courier and parcel companies such as DHL, Fedex and UPS have real-time tracking. To do this, you can request updates to your cell phone on the companies’ pages. Some local courier and motorcycle shipping companies also have real-time tracking from their applications.
What to do if my shipment has not been delivered after several days?
Check the delivery time established by the parcel company you hired. Note that:
- The delivery period begins when the company receives the package. Not from the moment you hire it by phone or Internet.
- International shipping services usually take at least 1 week and there may be complications at customs.
- If you use our shipment tracker you will be able to see the current status of the shipment but sometimes details are missing. To know them you must contact the company and/or the relevant customs office.